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LO Congress 17-20 May 2024 in Stockholm

Kongress The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) will hold its 30th Statutory Congress on 17-20 May 2024 in Stockholm, at the Waterfront Congress Centre. The theme of the Congress will be ‘We make Sweden work’.

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We make Sweden work

The LO Congress will be attended by 350 delegates elected by the 14 national affiliates and their local sections all over the country. The seats are allocated to the affiliates according to their membership rate.

The 350 delegates from the LO affiliates will discuss 280 motions submitted to Congress by the regional and local sections of the LO affiliated unions. Five motions focus on international issues. These deal with issues regarding the European Union, international trade union solidarity and development cooperation.

Speeches by international guests

Speech by Esther Lynch, General Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation

Speech by Luc Triangle, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation